Academy of Public Health Entomology
Empowering future leaders on vector-borne disease surveillance and control
The Academy of Public Health Entomology was established in 2019 under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958. The Academy work with professionals, academia, researchers, vector-borne disease control programmes and other stakeholders to build and strengthen technical capacity and share science-based knowledge for control of vectors of disease and household pests with the aim to eliminate major vector-borne diseases.
Improving the quality of life and enhancing human well-being by reducing vector-borne diseases and household pests.
Building technical capacity and share science-based knowledge for elimination of vector-borne diseases.
Organize trainings and workshops to strengthen capacity of the public and private sectors involved or interested in vector-borne disease control and public health vector and pest control.
Contribute to updating policies and strategies for vector-borne disease control.
Institute and/or support conducting academic courses in the areas of vector biology and control, and public health pesticide management.
Provide normative guidance by publication of technical and training materials, SOPs, manuals, videos.
Disseminate information and technical resources.
Promote a network for insecticide resistance monitoring and management.
Identify priority areas of basic and operational research, and programme implementation needs.
Organize national and international conferences, seminars and symposia.
Assist with national and international efforts for elimination of vector-borne diseases.
Accelerate public-private partnerships for vector-borne disease control.
Advocacy for suitable job opportunities and career pathways for public health entomologists.
Maintain a roster of national vector control experts and provide an expert base, especially in times of health emergencies.
Award honorary fellowships and awards to eminent persons in recognition of their contribution to vector-borne disease control and public health.